Feng Shui provides some interesting information about mirrors - whether it is advisable to use mirrors and why the reflections they make have the potential to cause energetic chaos in the bedroom. Here are some Feng Shui mirror tips and guidelines that you can follow to create a healthier Chi and rest and rejuvenation energy in one of your most sacred spaces, the bedroom.
So the big question you might have at this time is - "Should Feng Shui have a mirror in my room?" The answer is yes, there may be some benefits but there are also weaknesses and energetic steps that you can take to minimize Sha Chi negativity.
1. One of the main carelessness is having a mirror directly facing your bed or a large venetian vanity mirror at the head of your bed. Teacher practitioners teach that having a mirror that goes directly to the bed causes anxiety, confusion and an inability to get a decent night's sleep. If possible, rearrange your room furniture so that there is no mirror facing the head of the bed.
2. There is a strong belief that a mirror in the bedroom can play a role in breaking a happy marriage or union. Mirror has the potential to attract the unlucky energy of infidelity by introducing others into relationships, according to many teachers.
3. Mirror contains the energy of water element in Feng Shui. Too much water in the bedroom can cause you to 'wet' your relationship and also your enthusiasm. If your bedroom is located in the area of Bagua fame and illumination maps, placing a mirror in the room can extinguish the natural fire energy that you want to cultivate here.
Fortunately, there is no need to remove the mirror completely from your room, to cure this energetic problem. One easy solution is to close the mirror during hours of sleep. Consider making an attractive fabric that can easily slip in the mirror at night.
One of the biggest benefits of having a mirror in your room is to multiply the energy that enters the room in the form of sunlight. Many bedrooms have a mirror mounted on their closet door, making it useful for checking the choice and appearance of one's clothes.
If possible, cover the mirror cabinet door with a tasteful curtain whenever you retreat to the bedroom for rest and rejuvenation. Just remember what goals you want to achieve in your room with Feng Shui. Reduce the negative effects that a mirror might have on venetian wall mirror your ability to rest well.
Cover your bedroom mirror to foster passion, romance and strengthen intimate bond with your soul mate, or in cases where one partner is tempted by an affair, the best option might be to remove the mirror from the room.